E.S.C. Platform - E.S.C.

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The platform
As per "Platform" at E.S.C. we mean:
  • A virtual and operative environment with both online and human resources capable to sustain and support education inside our communities.

Every platform serves individual needs within the use of common paths while individuality is maintained in the process as any specialization remains granted by progressive layers.
Our platform goals are:
  • To improve access to higher career hopes.
  • To work around opportunities.
  • Managing together the crucial phases of the educational process.
  • Overcoming any challenge on the path.

E.S.C. may be seen as a virtual platform in which customer can come and ask for support and obtain the specific help they need; then a specific place with common access to different path; each one supporting a specific need.
The same platform is available to different actors like students and family; having each one of them supported in their specific and unique role.

At E.S.C. we prefer to talk on opportunities instead of issues. For this reason the platform would reply to any need making first an evaluation of opportunities.

Professionalism is very important at this point because there is the need to identify the goal to be achieved considering the real intention, motivation and capability of the customer. This process must be able to distinguish between the expressed motivations and those that may be hidden; the latter can easily make vain efforts and results.

In addition, having to analyze the subject's ability to really achieve the expected results may require additional insights.
After this phase a path is identified and supported to ensure the success.

What's innovative about this approach? And what differentiates it from normal consulting services?
One of our primary goals is to create an ideal environment in which the user takes advantage of opportunities using preventive approaches; sharing knowledge & teamwork.

E.S.C. likes to think that its platform is composed of many different and interchangeable layers that are built around goals and satisfy more specific needs. In our vision layers become basic interfaces available to the whole community.
The idea is not just to represent the platform but to be the "Platform"; a virtual space managed by professionals with strong experience on supporting career growing; a space where to share career knowledge.
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